Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Financial Details

This is what I figured out.

"Gift" Income: $500
Disability Income: $644

Total = $1144

This will cover our mortgage with about $50 left over.

Unemployment @ $275 x 4 = $1100 + $50

Health Insurance $475
Life Insurance $55
Car Insurance (Paid for six months)

$620 remaining

Averaged FPL bill ("Budget Billing") $160
Water/Sewer $130
Phone/Internet/Cable $155
Medicine $40 

$135 remaining

(Sidenote: I realize that the internet and cable are both luxuries and that we can drop them if need be; I have a feeling my mom will pay this bill if we have to drop it. I called and got another $10 customer retention credit per month over the next 12 months by telling them about our situation.)

EDITED: A/C Payment $133

That gives us a whopping $2.00 a month left over for gas and food.

I know that doesn't seem like a whole lot, but figure that since he got 2 weeks of severance we won't "need" to touch the unemployment and can roll what would be "extra" in our normal budget to go towards food and gas. 

It helps to know that we won't be losing the house or having the lights shut off. 

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